Q1 - Can I please have a free Mod., Team Leader, Or Co. Team Leader Plan?
A : No, We are sorry but you'll need to buy it.
Q2 - If you buy something from the store, will you get picked or is it a contest?
A : Every person buying any Moderator Plan will be picked no matter what. However, Co. & Team Leader Plans must be approved by us.
Q3 - I've been a Moderator, but my plan expired. How do I renew it?
A : Please repay for it at the Store for a renewal.
Q4 - I was a Moderator of The WOC Cheats Website but it closed. Do I get a free Moderator Plan here?
A : We are sorry, but no. You'll need to buy it from the Cp Cheats Team Store. ( Located On The Website )
Q5 - How can I become an Author? Is it free?
A : Yes, it's free. Get it by commenting below with your E-mail address.
Q6 - If I tell people about this site, can I have something free from the store?
A : No, however, there is a contest for a free Moderator 1 Month Plan. Comment if you are interested.
Q7 - A Moderator was abusing on this site. What should I do?
A : Oh no! Just send a E-mail to Support. thepr0hackerz@hotmail.com
That's all the questions we have for now. Boy, was that a lot!
Waddle On!,
~ Khang, The Cp Cheats Team
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